Wednesday, February 18, 2004

"America a KOP and a HN!"

Something I posted elsewhere today:

Date Posted: 12:28:54 02/18/04 Wed
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: Wacky twisting of 1 Pe 2:9
In reply to: Anonymous 's message, "Wacky numbers prayer topic" on 03:31:49 02/18/04 Wed

>(By the way, are you all familiar with UBF's wacky
>twisting of Ex 19:6 and 1 Pe 2:9? That was a popular
>theme in UBF in the last couple years. But I'm
>guessing it's probably nothing new and everyone is
>familiar with it.)

I've wanted to write something about this for a while, and I'll write in more detail later elsewhere. This "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" "prayer topic" is something that Samuel Lee started, and it dominated UBF worldwide in the 1990s, and the signs are that it still does. What UBF members fail to see is that the whole prayer topic is a twisted misapplication of Ex 19:6 and 1 Pe 2:9. Whereas 1 Pe 2:9 actually applies to the Body of Christ, the Church, Lee applied it to "America," what he called the "new Rome." He got everybody to start reading books about the Christian roots of "America." Week after week from the pulpit, he made it sound like UBF was about the only group that really cared about America, that had a "great vision" for America.

Basically, Lee tried to adapt the Korean nationalism that drove Korean UBF for many years ("Bible Korea, world mission!"), and transfer it to America, trying to exploit American nationalism ("America a KOP and a HN!"), even if he had to twist and misapply Scripture to do it. By all measures, it's been a dismal failure.