Friday, January 14, 2005

Blogging plan for this year

Here's a blogging plan for this year:

* More on moral relativism and moral apathy in UBF; how UBF tries to "rise above" the moral struggle just as it tries to "transcend" the need to help the poor; how "preaching the gospel" in UBF becomes an excuse to stop "wasting time" to think about morals and ethics; "that's not our main ministry."

* How the leader veneration culture and authoritarian structure of UBF is a natural extension of the works-righteousness belief system of UBF; the two go hand-in-hand.

* The crushing of healthy individuality in UBF; "message" and orchestra "training."
** "message training"
*** spiritual abuse as "serving" or "helping"
*** CUBF's "short-term missionaries" sent to oversea conferences mainly to make the "messages" more CUBF-compliant.

* The "cultural differences" rationalization and the assumption that cultures are equally good or equally valid.

* Recent traumatic departures (Patrick Chan and Sola Fide) and what this shows about UBF's depictions of God and salvation.

* The "Cursed woman's desire" crucial false teaching.

* "We must not love God less by not neglecting our children"; "giving up our Isaac"; "don't make children your idols"; thoughts on biblical parenting.

* The sapping of Christian joy in UBF and why people burn out and leave.
** numbers obsession, performance preoccupation and resulting tendency to
settle for mediocrity, just do enough to survive another week.

* How it all comes down to the attitude of "I don't care, I don't care."

* Exclusivism; Barry's ignorance of Harvest BC and local Presb. church; UBF being "uber-Christianity".

* UBF and Yong-Gi Cho.

* Signs of the UBF apocalypse: A World Buffet bash for Harriet, a 2ndgen is sent to seminary or Christian college.

* "The Perils of Obedience," the Milgram Experiment.

* Paulus Eun on UBF and the facts.

* The ministry of numbers and the doctored Wharton Center photo.

* W. Jun, numbers enforcer.

* Stupid UBF defense trick #1: Everything is about subjective feelings; you FELT "hurt" or "offended."

* Stupid UBF defense trick #2: Jesus did it that way, too.

* All "fruit" is external and of one kind in UBF.

* What's So Amazing About Grace.

* What feeds abusive behavior? Performance preoccupation (ignorance of grace, numbers obsession), exclusivism ("God bless OUR ministry", keep and hold and control a recruit at all cost, ties in with perf. preocc.)

* "Africa first needs the Ten Commandments" and

* and more.